I have been a Republican for the last few decades. I came from the corporate world as a buyer. I have been involved in many functions including being a board member for The Revlon Walk EIF for 10 years, multiple teams and boards for Cancer, MS and Cystic Fibrosis. I'm a Christian wife, mother and grandmother and want to see a healthy America for all Americans.
Brenda Martin, President
I have been a Republican since 1981. I retired in 2021 from a leadership position in a Fortune 500 company, While seaarching for the ideal spot for retirement, my husband and I came through this beautiful state and upon Cookeville, which we now call home. In looking to make new friends, with like-minded people and to serve our community, I found the RWUC. The Republican Women of UC is an excellent opportunity to serve others and to help make a difference. I am looking forward to being a part of this group of women who are passionate about our faith and doing their part to ensure that we continue to educate and support our schools, city, state and country.
Toni Rainwater, Vice-President
I have been a Reagan Republican since my college years. My husband and I moved to Cookeville to help care for family after working 33+ years in East TN, within a Fortune 500 company that modelled conservative values. Over my career, I had diverse leadership assignments within Engineering, Supply Chain, Business and Technology Management. I approached each as a servant-leader and bold change agent. As Secretary, I will do the same. We are active members of Jefferson Avenue Church of Christ and we love this community. I am eager to help grow RWUC to support conservative governance and promote civic initiatives that embody our Republican, Christian and Family values.
Amie Howell, Secretary
I became a Registered Nurse in 1975. I worked in Saudi Arabia as a Nurse Executive with a major role in managing the Nursing Department budgets for 36 years. My parents lived in Cookeville, so my husband and I bought a home in Baxter in 2008 and retired there in 2019/2021 to be close to them. I am a proud Republican and Christian and knew that if I wanted to see change, I needed to step up. For these reasons, I was very excited to join the RWUC where I accepted the role of Vice Treasurer and more recently Treasurer. I look forward to supporting our chapter to build and grow our numbers and make a difference for our community and our country!
Rita Anderson, Treasurer
My husband and I relocated to Tennessee 10 years ago from Massachusetts, where we were both very active in our community. I had served as a poll worker for the elections and have been a registered Republican for many years. I am looking forward to helping the Republican Women of the UC support our conservative values and make America great again for my children and grandchildren.
Nancy Slauenwhite, Vice-Treasurer
Mary Kay Ruwette, Communications
OFFICERS OF THE REPUBLICAN WOMEN OF THE UPPER CUMBERLANDLeft to Right: Mary Kay Ruwette, Nancy Slauenwhite, Rita Anderson, Brenda Martin, Toni Rainwater, Amie Howell
After spending the last decade in Arizona where I served as the communication specialist for the Republican Women of Wickenburg and held the position of Precinct Committeeman for our area, my husband and I have now made Monterey our home. I'm a lifelong Republican and my career prior to retirement was in Human Resources. I was excited to find a Republican Women's group in the area and I hope to help the club grow and support the Republican party in our county and state.